Typography And Typographic Applications

Course Code:



2nd Semester

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:





Theoretical Part of the Course

Analysis of data in the typographic performance and visual presentation of a message content of typography (culture around the world), in the method and production machines.

Additional presentation of substrates, materials and consumables. Definitions and procedures of performance forms of printed products. Golden page and text rule. Typographic designers. Criteria for application in types and forms of page and content compatibility in print communication. Products, applications and typographic ethics, in formatted (stylized) forms. Monitoring (through publishing models) the recording of workflow data.

Basic principles of typographic design of a form. Modern developments in digital printing: software and technological equipment issues.

Font selection criteria in relation to the type of layout, creation of special characters. Basic principles of digital font design. New technology digital fonts. Readability and readability parameters. Workflow organization for different types printed matters . Normalize communication between files. Page description languages. Creation  files for preprinting.

Laboratory Part of the Course

Training of students in the laboratory: with the materials and means of typography, the metric system, the fonts, the creation of text pages with different typesetting, control of the visual weight of the page.

Basic principles of typographic design, typographic performance (content – form – context). Horizontal axis: Width of elements, element intervals, intervals, verse length. Vertical axis. Element size: imaginary lines, visual size. Typographic families: Basic design principles, characters, glyphs, clusters, non-alphabetic characters, visual corrections. Fonts: Selection factors, relationship to print media, relationship to print surface.

Page layout: Proportions according to content – size – publishing target, margins. Structural forms and techniques. Typographic printing: Basic features, properties, operating principles.

Advanced and custom page layout formats. Typographic control of elements, words and lyrics. Creating specialized tables. Edit table of contents, footnotes and index. Creating template text files. Study and production of digital forms.


  1. Bringhurst R., (2008), «Στοιχεία της Τυπογραφικής Τέχνης», µτφρ. Γ. ∆. Ματθιόπουλος, Ηράκλειο, Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης
  2. Μακράκης Μ. (επιμ.), (1998), «Τα ελληνικά γράμματα: Από την σκληρή πέτρα στον σκληρό δίσκο», Linora, Αθήνα
  3. Burnhill Peter, (2003), «Type Spaces», Hyphen
  4. Clair Kate, (1999), «A Typographic Workbook: A Primer to History, Techniques, and Artistry»,
  5. John Wiley & Sons
  6. Tschichold Jan, (1998), «The New Typography», University of California Press
  7. Bringhurst R., (2000), «A Short History of the Printed Word Warren Chappell», Hartley and Marks Publishers
  8. Kinross Robin, (2004), «Modern Typography», 2nd Edition, Hyphen
  1. Gill Eric, (1993), «An Essay on Typography», David R. Godine Publisher
  2. Morison Stanley, (2000), «Letter Forms», Hartley and Marks Publishers
  3. Wilson Adrian, (1993), «Design of Books», Chronicle Books
  4. Loxley Simon, (2004), «Type: The Secret History of Letters», I. B. Tauris
  5. De Jong, C. and Tholenaar, J. (2009), «A Visual History of Typefaces & Graphic Styles», Taschen
  6. Elan Kimberly, (2004), «Grid Systems», Princeton Architectural Press, New York.
  7. Kinross R. and Hochuli, J. (1996), «Designing Books: Practice and Theory», Hyphen Press, London.