Theoretical part
- Definition of PC, explanation of basic concepts (data, data processing, information), basic components of PC, PC applications.
- Historical development. From mechanical constructions to automatic ones (emphasis on natural laws). Generations of computers (emphasis on technologies). Categories of PC.
- The computer system (hardware). Central unit. Main memory. Auxiliary memories. Input-output devices.
- The software. Algorithms and programs. Numerical systems (binary, octal). Boolean algebra (basic propositional logic). Programming languages. Modern programming environments. Program development process. The user’s position.
- The data. Codification. Data files. Databases.
- Operating systems. Basic terms. Graphic environments.
- Office Automation. Convergence of information and communication technologies. Software packages. General characteristics and categories.
- Computer networks. Generally. Services and benefits. Ways and process of connection. Email. The Internet.
- Security of computer systems. Dangers. Harmful programs.
- The Information Society. Peculiarities of Technologies
Laboratorial part
- Special applications of Informatics in Graphic Arts Special software, computer color, screens and screen adjustment.
- Programming applications, spreadsheets and networking.
- Τσουροπλής-Κλημόπουλος (2000), Εισαγωγή στην Πληροφορική, Εκδόσεις Νέων Τεχνολογιών, Αθήνα.
- Adobe publications, XML, open source code.
- Elliotte Rusty Harold (2004). XML 1.1 Bible, Third Edition, Indianapolis, Wiley Publishing, Inc.
- Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke (2000). Database Management Systems, Second Edition, The MCGraw-Hill Companies Inc.
- Sumathi, S. Esakkirajan, (2007). Fundamentals of Relational Database Management, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, New York.