Theoretical module
In theoretical lectures, students are taught the history of illustration from the early 19th century until today. In particular, the following are examined: a) the simplification of the form and its role in the direct understanding of meaning in contemporary illustration, b) conditions that caused the change in the perception of aesthetics until then and c) the redefinition of the basic principles of pictorial design communication.
Methods and techniques. Lithography. Introduction to the art ukiyo-e. Influence of ukiyo-e on Western iconography in the fields of structural-pagination issues and innovative techniques. The influence of the visual movement of Symbolism on the process of simplification of contemporary illustration-lecture is done by projecting slides -videos with dialogue and discussion.
Workshop module
In the workshop, students undertake the design of the illustration of a short story, or story, or poem, or fairy tale with the aim through their writing style to convey its character, but also to propose innovative techniques that will correspond to the contributors who shape the profile of the respective subject. The interrelated relationship between image and text in this compositional research of the design process lays the foundations for the design of the next poster exercise, which is the last exercise of the workshop.
Greek sources
- Ζαν Ζ., “Η δύναμη των παραμυθιών”, Αθήνα , Καστανιώτης, 1996.
2. Καρπόζηλου Μ., “Το παιδί στη χώρα των βιβλίων”, Αθήνα, Καστανιώτης, 1994.
Martin W. “Αφηγηματική δομή:Mια σύγκριση μεθόδων”, Αθήνα, Εξάντας, 1991.
3. Μαρτινίδης Π. “Από τα παιδιά του χρόνου στα παιδιά του χώρου:η Αφήγηση ως Χρονική ροή ή ως Χωρική ανάπτυξη και τα κομικς ως ενδιάμεση”, Αθήνα, Οδυσσέας, 1996.
4. Ροντάρι Τζ. “Γραμματική της φαντασίας”, Αθήνα, Μεταίχμιο, 2003.
International Sources
- Adhémar, J. La lithographie: Deux cents ans d’histoire, de technique, d’art, Paris : F. Nathan,. Eπίσης Marlaux, A. (1950), Essai sur Goya, Paris : Gallimard, 1983.
- Andrej Klimowski, “PROFESSOR ORATIOS DORLAN (O)”, 2009.
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Los Angeles: University California press, 1974. - Barnaby Richards, “Blip!”, Publisher: TOON LEVEL: 1, 2016.
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- Crane, W. (1869), “The Decorative Illustration of books old and new”, London, (re-ed. 1972), Also Thirion, Y. (1956), L’ influence de l’estampe japonaise sur la peinture française, Gazette des Beaux Arts, (1947), janvier /avril 1956.
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11. Eric Van de Casteele, “Figurations del’absence.Recherches esthetiques”, 1987. - Fujikake, Shizuya (1959), Japanese Wood-Block Prints, Tokyo 1928,
Also Gentles, M. (1964), Masters of Japanese Print: Moronobu to Utamaro, New York, also, Gentles, M., Lane R., Kenji Toda K. (1965), The Clarence Bunckingham Collection of Japanese Prints, vol. lI: Harunobou, Korysai, Shigemasa, Their followers and Contamporaries, Chicago. - Gombrich, E.H. Art and illusion, Athens, εκδόσεις Νεφέλη, 1995.
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